Yolo! I had read this here and there and I had no clue what it meant till a friend shed light recently. It was well timed, this enlightenment. I am in my 40s and predictably, like most people my age, am examining what I have done with my life so far and wondering about the many things not yet done, things that I always wanted to do, to try out, to experience. Yolo. So true.
So I took a leap and I coloured my hair. Not only did I colour it, I also had bright red streaks put in that stood out and shouted 'look at me!' to the world. I thought about what held me back and it seemed to me the main fears were a mix of what people would say and coloured hair not looking nice on me.
The excitement of actually doing it was incredible! I sat in that salon shivering with fear and excitement, trying my damnedest not to call a stop to the whole thing. Before I knew it, I had goop all over my hair and I was in, fully committed. I had strips of foil sticking out at all angles and I sat looking at myself wondering what would happen once the foils came off and the all the gunk was washed off eventually.
And yes, eventually it was time to see. My hair was washed and then blow dried within an inch of its life. I could only stare. The salon girls were delighted at my wonder and insisted on taking photos on my phone for me to share. Yes, the hair looked good. No, not just good, it looked great! And I wondered what I had feared all this time.
Yolo. You only live once. Really. So go on, do stuff. Don't hesitate, don't be scared. After all, Yolo!
Marathon Bloggers Project 52
I've been toying with shaving off me hair. My hair stylist is aghast at the thought. Probably at the prospect of losing easy money
lol Kalyan! Carpe Diem!
and when you posted that pic, I had to click! Wondering who the new person is? You look lovely and yes Yolo!
I actually have a picture of you with your hair burning bright against the afternoon sun that day. I loved the color, btw.
WoW! I'm knocking on 60, and I didn't know what it meant! I thought it was some sort of an expression of exuberance like Yahoo! Thanks for letting me know...it's never to late to realize YOLO :)
Oh! Your hair looks fab...I forgot to add that to my previous comment. It's not an after thought!
Wooow dear u r full of life babs touchwood just glad to read ur blog it's amazing
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