Saturday, December 8, 2012

Many kilos ago...

Many kilos ago we were younger and more hopeful. We hadn't been there or done that. Life was waiting for us and we were waiting for life to happen.

This picture of K and me is the embodiment of that state of mind.. where our relationship was a clean slate and we hadn't marked anything much on it.

This photograph was taken in Pune at K's buddy's wedding. K and I had just abandoned singledom and were very new as a couple.  This wedding is when I met his gang of friends for the first time. I remember seamlessly fitting into his gang and many of them have since become very dear friends of my own, independent of their friendship with K.

That wedding was an exercise in insanity.. something you can achieve only when you're in your 20s. We were 8 of us squashed together in that tiny cottage in Pune. The night before the wedding there was a bachelor party organised by the bride's cousins. (We were the groom's gang). We all got totally dolled up and went off to party and guess what? It was a boys only party. Can you imagine what we did to our boys?!

To cut a long story short, we girls had to come back home but the boys had been told we would wait for them to get back so we could all go out later. In order to get back home asap, the boys got wasted at sonic speed. Actually there were only trying to finish the booze quickly so the party would be over asap.

Anyway, they were home quite soon after us. One had to be carried out of the car while K couldn't find the door to the house. Eventually we got them all into the house only to realise they were too drunk to even be yelled at! What a let down!

We were late the next morning. Of course. Hungover and not quite ready to face the world or a wedding, we set out. Half way there we realised we had no clue where the wedding was. No one had actually bothered to read the invitation card and none of them thought to bring it along either :D

It is just sheer luck that I spotted a friend at a traffic signal (also a guest at the same wedding) and he led the way. Erm.. the Best Man was with us. We made an entry that would have made Hollywood proud!

The bride was nearly in tears, the groom waiting tense outside the church, the parents all looking grim and disapproving, and then this gang of mad friends hurtle in dragging the Best Man along in an absolute photo finish.

R and G have lived happily ever after, touch wood :)

Now many kilos later K and I haven't done too badly either.

Marathon Bloggers Day 8


appu said...

I don't know why I always thought this was your wedding ka picture and the two of you look absolutely dashing :)

Swathika said...

Your narration helped me picture the scene and as I am sitting here and typing the comment my two year old is puzzled at my wide mouthed grin :)

Swati Raman Garg said...

:) sooo sweet u n kurush da r one rocking couple for us n will always b.. Thu thu!

k10 said...

Smashing you guys look!

Aparna said...

Love the pic, and the description of going to a wedding in more carefree days :). Not taking the invite and having the best man with you - sounds priceless!

AJ said...

You are Kurush are the awesomest couple I much in love, so hope V and I are the same many-many years down the line. And this was one hell of a memory..I was smiling my way through it. :)

Finla said...

Wowo loves reading the post, it is always nice to know more about the recent friends ine had made. Love the pic too.

Simran said...

This is SOO cute! Ah the days of a clean slate and less fat and carefree eating! Beautiful post Rhea, loved reading it :)

Shireen said...

Totally loved reading this post Rhea! Although I have never met you both in person, I feel like I know u...may you & K have many many more years of love n togetherness!

Saee Koranne-Khandekar said...

You write best when you write about you and K. God bless--muaah!

sangeeta said...

Loved reading this Rhea :-)